Background by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

About Me

Cross-platform software development clipart

Illustration by Storyset

I am a software developer based near Roanoke, Virginia. I have been working in information technology for a decade and now do full stack development, pairing C# and .NET backend with a sylish front end to make my applications appealing to use. I am comfortable prioritizing and deliver fast, accurate work. Please take a look at my portfolio and let me know if we can work together on your next project!
Download My Resume

What I Use

I use C# when developing the back-end of my full-stack applications. You can find examples of my work utilizing C# in my projects.

I use ASP.NET Core Web and MVC when designing my websites because they're strong, proven patterns and frameworks that work for most projects.

HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap are how I design beautiful, responsive websites for my projects. Customers want more than just a good program; they want an intuitive application with an inviting appearance. Designing a website's front-end is just as important as designing its back-end!

JavaScript is ubiquitous on the internet. I use vanilla JS and am comfortable with many JS frameworks. In my challenges section, I have several JS projects that solve common problems in modern industries.

SQL databases are used in all of my projects for storing data. I specifically utilize PostgreSQL in my projects because of its long history of use but can write SQL on any DB platform.

I use git as a source control for all of my projects because of its worldwide utilization. I host my projects on my github and use CI/CD for publishing.

Professional Grade Applications

I built and published these full-stack applications to demonstrate what I can bring to your project. They are all large scale, professional applications, and I developed the front-end, back-end, security, and database from the ground up.

You can contact me for a complete code walk-through.

Chrysalis Bug Tracker Logo

A full-stack bug tracker for tracking and addressing enterprise bugs across multiple teams.

ROLODEX Address Book Logo

A full-stack address book for tracking of enterprise clients.

Pen #> Sword Logo

A full-stack blog I built and use to publish my dev articles, using API to populate on my profile.

Small Scale Challenges

Smaller in scope and scale than my full-stack, professional projects, these coding challengese are mini apps I put together to test my problem-solving and showcase my javascript skills and different UI designs. All of these projects are published, which makes it easier for you to demo my work.

Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of my work.

Sure Mortgage Logo

This applet calculates the monthly payments for a mortgage and provides a breakdown of each payment.

See it in action
STUB Event Planner Logo

This applet tracks events, their locations, and provides statistical breakdowns of their critical metrics,

See it in action
Buff Logo

This applet uses third party API to list popular movies and make launchable modals of more info.

See it in action
BirdriB Palindrome Detector Logo

This applet checks if the provided word or phrase is the same when reversed.

See it in action
Rearward Text Reverser Logo

This applet takes a provided word and returns that same word in reverse.

See it in action
Fizz, B Logo

This applet prints a specified range of numebrs, replacing some multiples with Fizz, Buzz, or Fizzbuzz.

See it in action


Posts from my blog, Pen #> Sword, covering topics like developing applications with C# and JavaScript and professional development.

Contact Me